Data Security & Access
David Coallier avatar
Written by David Coallier
Updated over a week ago

All connections to Clearword are encrypted using SSL, and any attempt to connect over HTTP is redirected to HTTPS.

All data (including meeting recordings, summaries, files, transcripts and images) is encrypted in-transit with 256 bit SSL/TLS and data encrypted at rest is secured with AES 256.

System keys are encrypted using AWS KMS with restricted access to specific production systems.

We leverage AWS KMS to create unique, custom encryption keys for your Clearword workspace, ensuring that any user generated content or media is encrypted with an additional layer of security that further sequesters and protects company data.

We use industry-standard Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL data stores, hosted and managed by AWS. Additionally all our systems run on ephemeral containers which do not have remote terminal access.

Data access and authorizations are provided on a need-to-know basis, and based on the principle of least privilege.

Access to the AWS production system is restricted to thoroughly vetted authorized personnel only, and is accessible solely via secure bastion tunnels, as all datastores and API endpoints are deployed only to private subnets, allowing no direct access.

We are committed to ensuring the integrity and reliability of our electronic communications. To achieve this, we use digital signatures and other technologies to provide non-repudiation, which ensures that the sender of a message cannot later deny having sent it, and the recipient cannot deny having received it. This applies to all access, actions and modifications to our systems. This is important for maintaining the trust and confidence of our customers and partners, and for providing a secure and reliable platform for conducting business online.

We regularly review and update our security measures to ensure that we are meeting the highest standards for non-repudiation and other aspects of information security.

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